Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches
öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht
Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht
Heidelberg Journal of International Law ( HJIL )
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Band / Volume 81 (2021)

Heft 1Heft 2 ̵ Heft 3Heft 4

Heft 1

Armin von Bogdandy/Anne Peters: Editorial 1

Anne Peters: The Importance of Having Rights 7

In Focus: Relaunch of the ZaöRV/HJIL as an Open Access Journal
Raffaela Kunz: Opening Access, Closing the Knowledge Gap? Analysing GC No. 25 on the Right to Science and Its Implications for the Global Science System in the Digital Age 23

Koen Lenaerts/José A. Gutiérrez Fons/Stanislas Adam: Exploring the Autonomy of the European Union Legal Order 47
Armin von Bogdandy/Pedro A. Villarreal: The Role of International Law in Vaccinating Against COVID-19: Appraising the COVAX Initiative 89
Erin Pobjie: COVID-19 and the Scope of the UN Security Council’s Mandate to Address Non-Traditional Threats to International Peace and Security 117
Angelo Jr Golia/Laura Hering/Carolyn Moser/Tomas Sparks: Constitutions and Contagion - European Constitutional Systems and the COVID-19 Pandemic 147
Fabian Simon Eichberger: Give a Court an Inch and It Will Take a Yard? The Exercise of Jurisdiction over Incidental Issues 235

Craven, Matthew/Pahuja, Sundhya/Simpson, Gerry (eds.): International Law and the Cold War (Ned Richardson-Little) 265
Casey, Christopher A.: Nationals Abroad: Globalization, Individual Rights, and the Making of Modern International Law (Ntina Tzouvala) 271
Swatek-Evenstein, Mark: A History of Humanitarian Intervention (Jacob Katz Cogan) 277
Ferrari, Guiseppe Franco (ed.): Judicial Cosmopolitanism. The Use of Foreign Law in Contemporary Constitutional Systems (Sebastian Graf von Kielmansegg) 281
Frankenberg, Günter: Autoritarismus. Verfassungstheoretische Perspektiven (Claudio Franzius) 287

Heft 2

Achilles Skordas: Authoritarian Global Governance? The Russian-Chinese Joint Statement of March 2021 293

Csongor István Nagy: Ein Vorschlag zur Lösung der europäischen Rechtsstaatlichkeitskrise: die Lehre der Diagonalität 303
Lisa Mardikian: In-Between an Economic Freedom and a Human Right: A Hybrid Right to Private Property 341
Diego Zannoni: Something or Somebody? The Human Embryo Between Protection of Life and Interest in Scientific Research 381
Jean Mohamed: Aspects of European Legal Harmonisation: When European Politicised Law Meets Freedom of Establishment and Vice Versa 411
Tobias Mast: Gute Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und die Europäische Union 443
Mark Somos/Edward Jones Corredera/George Gallwey: Sir Daniel Dun's Mare liberum and the 1613 Anglo Dutch Conference 479
Caroline Omari Lichuma: (Laws) Made in the ‘FirstWorld’: A TWAIL Critique of the Use of Domestic Legislation to Extraterritorially Regulate Global Value Chains 497
Silvia Steininger: With or Without You: Suspension, Expulsion, and the Limits of Membership Sanctions in Regional Human Rights Regimes 533

"Von Falkenhausen, Marie: Menschenrechtsschutz durch Deliktsrecht (Markus Krajewski)" 567
Grimonprez, Kris: The European Union and Education for Democratic Citizenship (Petra Lea Láncos) 573
Cohen, Miriam: Realizing Reparative Justice for International Crimes: From Theory to Practice (Patryk Gacka) 577

Heft 3

Elif Askin: Environmental Injustice: The (Unaddressed) Case of Toxic Waste Disposal in the Global South 585

Angelo Jr Golia/Matthias C. Kettemann/Raffaela Kunz: International Law and the Internet Introduction 597
Rolf H. Weber: Integrity in the 'Infinite Space' ̶ New Frontiers for International Law 601
Nula Frei: Equality as a Principle of the Networked World? An Exploratory Search for 'Cyber-Equality' in the Field of Internet Governance 627
Chien-Huei Wu: Sovereignty Fever: The Territorial Turn of Global Cyber Order 651
Annalisa Ciampi: The Role of the Internet in International Law-Making, Implementation and Global Governance 677
Antonio Segura-Serrano: Cybersecurity and Cybercrime: Dynamic Application versus Norm-Development 701
Stefano Dominelli: Internet and eDiplomacy: 'Traditional' Diplomatic Law in the Digital Era 733
Patricia A. Vargas-León: Microsoft Corp. v. United States and the 'Hot Pursuit': A Case Study Against the Application of the Law of the Sea into the Cyberspace 755
Christine Kaufmann: Responsible Business in a Digital World ̶ What's International Law Got to Do With It? 781
Cäcilia Maria Hermes: Cyberspace as an Example of Self-Organisation from a Network Perspective 817
Ralph Janik: Interpretive Community 2.0: How Blogs and Twitter Change International Law Scholarship 841

"Goeble, Thilo: Freiraum oder Herrschaftsgebiet. Menschenrecht auf Zugang und völkerrechtliche Prinzipien als Schranken staatlichen Handelns im Internet (Clara Rauchegger/Janine Prantl) 867
Amoroso, Daniele: Autonomous Weapons Systems and International Law (Elisabeth Hoffberger-Pippan) 873
Delerue, François: Cyber Operations and International Law (Rachel F. Behring) 879

Heft 4

Martin Jarrett: The Triumph of European Union Law in International Investment Law – The Phenomenon, the Problems, and the Solution 885

Başak Çalı: ‘To me, fair friend, you can never be old’, William Shakespeare, ‘Sonnet 104’: ECHR at 70. Rudolf Bernhardt Lecture, 2020 895
Giacomo Rugge: The Euro Group’s Informality and locus standi before the European Court of Justice: Council v. K. Chrysostomides & Co. and Others 917
Robert Christoph Stendel: Moral Damages as an ‘Exceptional’ Remedy in International Investment Law – Re-Connecting Practice with General International Law 937
Martin Jarrett: A New Frontier in International Investment Law: Adjudication of Host Citizen-Investor Disputes? 969
Jochen von Bernstorff/Olaf Kramer Johannes Saurer/Stefan Thomas: Courts as Rhetorical Actors: A Rhetorical Analysis of Judicial Conflict Avoidance 1001
Julien Berger: Staatsbürgerschaft als Ware – von Goldenen Pässen und der Europäischen Union 1033

Tzouvala, Ntina: Capitalism as Civilisation – A History of International Law (Idriss Paul-Armand Fofana) 1059
De Búrca, Gráinne: Reframing Human Rights in a Turbulent Era (Deborah Whitehall) 1065
Mac Giolla Chríost, Diarmait/Bonotti, Matteo: Brexit, Language Policy and Linguistic Diversity (Manfred Herbert) 1071
Zeisberg, Marie-Christine: Ein Rohstoffvölkerrecht für das 21. Jahrhundert (Ludwig Gramlich) 1075
Kulick, Andreas/Goldhammer, Michael (Hrsg.): Der Terrorist als Feind? – Personalisierung im Polizei- und Völkerrecht (Till Holterhus) 1081

* Alle als Abhandlungen veröffentlichten Beiträge haben zuvor ein Begutachtungsverfahren (double-blind peer review) durchlaufen. / All articles published under the heading
“Abhandlungen” were subject to double-blind peer review.
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